The world is a goddamned evil place, the strong prey on the weak, the rich on the poor; I’ve given up hope that there is a God that will save us all. How am I supposed to believe that there’s a heaven and a hell when all I see now is hell.
At birth we are provided seeds to sow, but the amount and quality are not equal; the wealthy acquire high quality and limitless amounts, while the poor received the opposite; therefore, the impoverished cannot error while the affluent can dispose handfuls in the wind.
When people can get away with crimes just because they are wealthy or have the right connections, the scales are tipped against fairness and equality. The weight of corruption then becomes so heavy that it creates a dent that forces the world to become slanted, so much so — that justice just slips off.
When you optimize your talents very well, you can pick money from people's pockets and nobody will ever get the guts to call you a thief.
Some people will insult your intelligence by suddenly being nice or nicer to you once you make it … or they think you have.
Among other possibilities, money was invented to make it possible for a foolish man to control wise men; a weak man, strong men; a child, old men; an ignorant man, knowledgeable men; and for a dwarf to control giants.
THE GOOD LIFE requires that we take pleasure in new things; A GOOD LIFE requires that we take pleasure in moments. To enjoy THE GOOD LIFE we have to get ahead; to enjoy A GOOD LIFE we have to make the trip worthwhile. THE GOOD LIFE is supported by feeding our pocketbooks; A GOOD LIFE is supported by feeding our souls.