A relationship is likely to last way longer, if each partner convinces or has convinced themselves that they do not deserve their partner, even if that is not true.
I'm very humbled and honored. I'm very thankful to the Asian-American Community for all their support!
I'm incredibly humbled that the leader of the modern liberty movement and strong conservative leader Congressman Ron Paul is backing our campaign.
I am humbled to be selected as a TiE Star recipient and to be included among such an esteemed group of true innovators and intrepid entrepreneurs.
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.
To the Heisman voters, I'm truly honored and humbled to be the 2016 Heisman Trophy winner.
I'm very appreciative and humbled by the success of 'Prison Break.'
I've been humbled by the reception I've received everywhere.
We're so humbled and lucky to be in a position where we've been a four-piece for over 15 years. We're signed to a major label. We're on our fourth record on a major label. We've won a Grammy. We've toured the world.