It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.
Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
Sadness is the ambrosia of all art.
The stillness and stasis of bed are the perfect opposite of travel: inertia is what I've come to consider the default mode, existentially and electronically speaking. Bed, its utter inactivity, offers a glimpse of eternity, without the drawback of being dead.
The Law of Inertia states that a body in motion will remain in motion, and a body at rest will remain at rest. In life, nothing will happen when no one will make a move
The inertia of a jungle village is a dangerous thing. Before you know it your whole life has slipped by and you are still waiting there.
If non-linear leaps in intelligence and ability are possible, why haven't these effects been observed in our schools? I believe the answer lies in the profound inertia of human thought: when an entire society believes something is impossible, it suppresses, by its very way of life, the evidence that would contradict that belief.