What nourishes me also destroys me.
Detroit turned out to be heaven, but it also turned out to be hell.
I was the angriest daughter on earth, and also, one of the most devoted.
Cynicism is the easiest of all reactions, right? But it's also so disappointing and self-defeating.
I had also done a little disc jockeying.
I'm a Dunkin' Donuts kind of guy. I also like Cadbury's.
There' s a duality in myself, and it's also what I try and instill in my roles.
Jordan 1s are my favourite sneaker, and I also love the Jordan Eclipse.
I wholeheartedly support umbilical stem cell research, but also support embryonic stem cell research.
No one that encounters prosperity does not also encounter danger.
A people morally and intellectually equal to self-government must also be equal in self-defence.
Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also.
The euphoria around Modiji is also no longer there.
Exuberant health is always, as such, sickness also.
Jim Cameron is a feisty man and a perfectionist, but also absolutely brilliant.
I guess it's flattering that everyone believed I was those characters, but it also is dehumanizing.
The most gifted natures are perhaps also the most trembling.
The grandeur of Jerusalem is also... its problem.
In a sense, there's a great truth to that, but, also I was a great reader.
Also a portion of my sales go directly to Greenpeace.