To do a 'Bond' picture is a blessing but also a curse.
A blocked path also offers guidance.
It is possible that blondes also prefer gentlemen.
Millions also perished in the Chinese camps, and there have been terrible genocides in Cambodia and Vietnam.
There are casting directors with lots of imagination, but also some with not as much imagination.
From the mid-1970s, I also started work on the causation and prevention of famines.
I was also interested in formulating the path of chemical reactions.
Spiritual infirmities such as tepidity are caused, not only by chills but also by fevers, that is, by excessive zeal.
I like reading... French, Russian classics - Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Flaubert. I also like Hemingway, Virginia Woolf.
If co-operation is a duty, I hold that non-co-operation also under certain conditions is equally a duty.
I do a lot of running and hiking, and I also collect stamps - space stamps and Olympics stamps.
I'm also a fan of ridiculously coloured and patterned socks.
A society that is all self-interest and no comradeship is not a society at all. But a society that is all comradeship and no self-interest is also not a society; it is a sect - or, on the largest scale, totalitarianism.
People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.
Migration powers economic growth, reduces inequalities, and connects diverse societies. Yet it is also a source of political tensions and human tragedies.
Everything is contingent, and there is also chaos.
But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.
My cousin Malcolm Lee is also a filmmaker.
I also saw the Dalai Lama a few times.
It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid.