I auditioned for the leading role in 'The Kissing Booth' that came out on Netflix, funny enough.
I think there's been this whole image of masculinity that's been out in society - of brooding, brutish, egotistical, narcissistic men - like, this patriarchy.
I definitely have that bug; I'd really like to do some auteur, existential pieces, darker films, something that's really reflective of life. But I also love the genre of rom-coms, and I don't see myself completely detaching from that.
Life kind of forces us to put these filters on, whether it's because someone told you you weren't good enough - excluded you or bullied you. Or maybe your parents screwed up on accident in some way and it changed who you were. There's this pressure to fit into a mold and change who you're supposed to be.
I've always wanted to hit that, like, '13 Going on 30;' 'Failure to Launch,' Matthew McConaughey; 'What Happens in Vegas,' Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher' wave.
High school is cool, especially that first-love mentality. That's what 'Sierra Burgess' captures is, like, his first moment of love. That's what I love. I like that innocence.
I didn't do well in school, and I didn't really care to cater to certain social structures that were in place to be cool.
I think I use writing as a catharsis. I feel sometimes that I'd like to share that with people, so Instagram becomes a vehicle.
I'd love to have a career like McConaughey or Shia LaBeouf - I love him in everything he's done. Despite his celebrity status, he's such a human being.
If I ever feel like I'm messing up, making the worst decisions, or I'm just lesser than - if I'm being self-deprecating - I just think, 'Cheer up, dude, you're a lot worse than you think.' It makes me laugh. It takes me out of it.
It's hard to find a writer that really understands the intricacies of flirting and the development of love, the development of getting to know someone, the development of chemistry in real life.
Chemistry is one of those things: it's hard to nail down what it is or how you get it.
I think when two people are present and engaged and listening to each other, that's what creates the chemistry. And then the ability to react off of what the other person is saying.
We all want love. We all want to be taken care of and supported and cherished.
I just like climbing things and exploring.
Ever since I've been a kid, I've always been about running around, climbing trees, exploring.
I think that romantic comedies have a special place in most people's hearts, especially the younger demographic.
I love Bon Iver. I would never put a negative connotation on that man's name!
That's the cool thing about relationships. You're relating to someone else. It's another thing to balance who you are off of.
I was, like, this tiny little kid that was goofy and would always crack jokes or sit in the back of class and not listen to anything that the teacher was saying.