We are from a swipe-right generation, and that just comes to, 'Oh you're cute, let's hook up,' and that's that. Where is actual, genuine connection that comes from spending quality time with someone?
I think there's really healthy ways to segue into different roles and different genres. I'm not completely opposed to shaving my head and doing something crazy.
I would say one of the most romantic things I've done is I've taken a girlfriend back to her hometown when she hadn't been back for years. It was in Puerto Rico, and we stayed there for about a week and a half. She showed me the different places she grew up around.
Directing was rarely a thought in my head growing up. Especially not when I first began acting or working on my first professional sets.
I would say that all of my experience on any set over the course of my life has helped me in directing 'Save Me Tonight.'
I would be so happy to be Young Hulk. I cannot even explain to you. That would be so dope. He was my favorite Marvel hero, and the fact that Mark Ruffalo plays him is sick.
Somehow I made it onto a show and then another show, and now I'm doing my thing. So, how did I start? Because my sister wanted to be a model, and I was dragged along to support her!
If you love someone - like, truly love someone - I don't think that ever goes away. But what does change is your perspective on the relationship and the dynamic.
I think, for a lot of people, the point is to get high engagement and likes on their photos, so I think it's just good marketing. But at the same time, if you're posting pictures and you look nothing like your pictures, then it's false advertising.
If you have your own money, you feel entitled to spending your own money how you'd like to, and that's a slippery slope.
First love is ravaging - it just guts you in the most wonderful way, if you can see through it.
I'm working a lot. Keeping my head down and focusing and trying to take advantage of the opportunities that have come my way.
We've been given the full spectrum of emotions for good reason, and it helps us be happy, in my opinion. I think it's totally normal to be sad or angry or frustrated, hopeless at moments. I don't think we would've been given these things if they were bad.
Social media, to me, is a way to express. It's not a way for me to glorify my life.
I think social media has a lot of negative impact and negative effects. These are fairly extreme and horrifying and really gruesome.
I personally believe that if you love someone, and you get your heart broken, and you can learn to love someone else just as deeply as the first, then that is the greatest lesson we can learn on this planet.
I think we're all dealing with insecurity, and we hide that insecurity from the world, which, in turn, just hides us from the world. And it's only once we actually embrace these insecurities and love them that we can really love ourselves and others, fully.
I would say I kind of just realized one day that it wasn't worth hiding from my emotions, and that I was unhappy, and that I needed to make a change in my life so that I could be happier.
When I go on a hike, I leave my phone in the car.
I used to have a big issue - one - identifying how I feel and being like, 'I feel this way.' Over the years, I've tried to work on that.