That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.
The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on.
having nothing to struggle against they have nothing to struggle for.
I have both the violent turbulence of the storm and the quiet promises of God in the storm. And what I must work to remember is that something is not necessarily stronger simply because it’s louder.
Each failure teaches us something. Each failure makes us stronger.
Break a vase, and the love that reassembles the fragments is stronger than that love which took its symmetry for granted when it was whole.
In life, there might be situations that make you sink, It’s just to make you stronger than you think, Be like mercury not like glass when you get troubles, Split but join the mercury bits before it’s lost in life’s puzzles
What doesn’t kill you doesn’t make you stronger. What breaks you doesn’t make you bolder. In a matter of fact, nothing becomes stronger or better if it has been broken or shattered; Because a piece of you is always going to be missing, less trusting in any other soul, and those heart and mind of yours will always receive some messages from your past to chain you into the darkness once again. Bad times, knockouts, and disappointments have made no one any stronger, so don’t fool yourself of thinking otherwise …
It just be life, that's all. Ain't nothin' happened to you, ain't happened to most women whether they care to admit it or not. You strong, Babygirl. You a woman. You gotta be.
Divorcing the act of GETTING from the act of OFFERING opens up the door to building stronger relationships, stronger trust and more respect with the people WE serve.
When you have Nothing to Lose, Remember you are standing at the Winning position. For the hard times have got you stronger, and what you achieve now will be a remarkable trophy for your battles.
There Is One Thing Stronger Than All The Fundamental forces Of Nature, And That Is A Moment In Time!
The pain broke through the skin, dismantled her pores, and ate away at everything that was once strong. She was laid bare with nothing to cling to.
I used homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga and meditation in conjunction with my chemotherapy to help me get stronger again after the cancer. I also chanted with Buddhist friends and prayed with Christian friends. I covered all my bases.
Historically, China is not a nation of sportsmen. We traditionally put more emphasis on being close to nature than pushing endlessly to excel. A philosophy that values tranquil contemplation of the landscape cannot easily be adapted to the Olympic slogan of 'higher, stronger, faster.'
What happens with smaller businesses is that they give in to the misconception that their site is secure because the system administrator deployed standard security products - firewalls, intrusion detection systems, or stronger authentication devices such as time-based tokens or biometric smart cards. But those things can be exploited.
Adversities such as being homeless and going to prison has made many people stronger.
An agent won't help you get drafted higher, won't make you win more games, and won't make you faster or stronger.