It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.
In this age, lies were the universal lubricant of the culture. A love of Truth and commitment to it were seldom rewarded and were often punished.
Any known attempt at proselyting would be instantly amenable at a criminal tribunal and would probably be punished by the death of the proselyte and the banishment of the missionary. All efforts must be conducted in private and are therefore very limited.
You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.
Clever tyrants are never punished.
Theft of a firearm should be punished as a felony, plain and simple.
Nations, like individuals, are punished for their transgressions.
We are punished by our sins, not for them.
We are not punished for our sins, but by them.
Thugs who brutalize elderly people should be punished severely.