Acumen Fund is my prayer in response to genocide and what happened in Rwanda.
There is no doubt something has happened that is lasting in terms of attractiveness of the nightmare that is the Islamic State.
Kylie Minogue is the greatest thing that has happened to Australian music.
One of the biggest things that happened for me was YouTube.
There are some seminal things that happened in the '70s for me: Billy Joel and Jackson 5.
A great calamity is as old as the trilobites an hour after it has happened.
History happens as soon as I pick up my coffee cup - it happened 30 seconds ago. It's history.
I was in high school when Columbine happened.
What wouldn't have happened to me if I hadn't ended up in Hartford, Connecticut.
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
I have always wanted to work with Judy Dench, and that hasn't happened yet, so that would be fun.
My Finnish, it never really happened, but I'm good in Swedish.
I am a geek nerd who happened to have a temporary period of jockiness.
When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not.
What happened with Keystone is it actually poisoned the well for other pipelines that are not as controversial.
My daughters have grown up knowing all about my kidnapping and the case and what happened.
One of the things I was so glad that happened to me on Knots was that I learned to relax.
Knots Landing is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Changing diapers is one of the most leveling things that has ever happened to me.
I have thousands of tapes, and photos and fliers, letters, posters, artwork - basically everything that ever happened, I kept. I'm not a hoarder, though. I'm sort of a librarian.