Too many adults wish to 'protect' teenagers when they should be stimulating them to read of life as it is lived.
Those who make conversations impossible, make escalation inevitable.
We are the young and reckless hearts, destined to fly, and fall, and fly again.
The world doesn’t treat the wild souls well, because maybe it doesn’t quite understand. But in the end it remembers the super novas that burned so bright we blinded them all.
Liberty is too precious a thing to be buried in books. Humans should hold it up in their hands every single day of their lives and say from the deepest fathoms of their soul – “I am free – to think – to speak – to act – the way a real, novel, civilized being should – my ancestors couldn’t, but I can, and my children will”.
The time has come, to stand up and to defy. Its our life, our choices, how long can they deny? The time has come, not to believe in every lie. Not to follow every rule, without asking why. The time has come, not to ignore as others cry. Or soon, very soon, it will be our turn to die. The time has come, not to turn a blind eye. Because once lost, freedom is hard to come by.
Freedom of speech is unnecessary if the people to whom it is granted do not think for themselves.