Don't over intellectualize that which is the love of God, Just Be!
Sorrow is what defines you
I face tomorrow with the same light that I got today, stop worrying about tomorrow.
I'm Different, I Don't See Any Difference-in-Differences.
I Conquered Your Heart,it is My Kingdom and I'll rule it for Eternity - LOVE
When someone has the COURAGE to speak what they feel then the heart will be willing to listen and to ACCEPT that person's feelings in the expression of those feelings it may not be your TRUTH but the heart will lead you to say so and not to pass judgement on what that person is feeling.
Music is the road to the soul
When you fall in LOVE with somebody gradually where was the 'SWITCH' when did it truly happen Beginning,End or Middle?
If you think it's ONE then it's MANY, If you think it's MANY it's ONE
Freedom is an expression of self-love
Love Can Transport You to Another Dimension.
I Loved One, Not Many ; Many Loved It, Not One
If Love Was Easy, Everyone Would Love It
Love Until You Become Love
Love Until You Become, Love
Love is Not Bound By Anything, Nor Does it Bind Anything.
The Axiom of spirituality demands that you're not alone it's the beauty and the 'Love' of God