I have a showroom where we experiment with twelve cakes. We develop sketches and ideas for cakes for the next season. We work with the top fashion designers to see what type of lace they are using or work with the top florist for us to be able to make various sugar roses or flowers.
I'm really quite simple. I plant flowers and watch them grow... I stay at home and watch the river flow.
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.
Without butterflies, the world would soon have few flowers. There is enough room in the sky for all flyers.
I like doing food as a focal point on my table. It is not like going out and buying flowers or candles, which are expensive.
Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet.
I'd like very much to make a confident picture. I would like to be as good as nature, which, with a shower, produces flowers and grass to cover the destruction. But we are surrounded by human fragmentation, by pessimism, and it is difficult to talk of other things.
It's so nice to get flowers while you can still smell the fragrance.
I like flowers. In my next life, maybe I can be a gardener.
Since she got a cause and stopped being funny. I think she's real funny, but lately it's all been hearts and flowers and tears and saving teenagers and creating a role model. And that ain't funny. No giggles there.
Ah, tell me not that memory sheds gladness o'er the past, what is recalled by faded flowers, save that they did not last?
I am following Nature without being able to grasp her, I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.
Of present fame think little, and of future less; the praises that we receive after we are buried, like the flowers that are strewed over our grave, may be gratifying to the living, but they are nothing to the dead.
I sent my flowers across the hall to Mrs Nixon but her husband remembered what a Democrat I am and sent them back.
We were playing a fair, and a few people were handing me stuffed animals and flowers, but one person handed me a paper sack. So I took all the stuff back to the bus. I put the sack in my lap and opened it, and a live iguana jumped out of the sack and onto my shirt. I screamed like a little girl!
Flowers are happy things.
If I'm honest, the thing I am proudest of is my varieties of wild flowers in the hay meadow.
We're like a gardener with a hose and our attention is water - we can water flowers or we can water weeds.
If you have children, you know you're responsible for somebody. You realize you are being imitated; your belief systems and priorities have a direct influence on these children, who are like flowers in a garden.
I heard opera all day long. From the time I was 9 years old, I was imitating the singers; later I studied opera. But we also got Western television and radio, from the Americans in West Berlin. When I was 11 years old, I turned into a hippie and gave flowers to policemen. And when I was 21 and left Berlin for London, I became a punk.