Sansar (worldly life) has been alive by imitating the movements of the world, and is liberated by opposing it.
What is pudgal (non-Self complex made up of mind-speech-body)? It is influx and outflow; it is credit and debit. And if you ‘know’ the Soul (get Self-realized), you will attain liberation.
When can one really say that pudgal (non-Self complex of input and output) is the doer? It is after one attains Self-realization. Otherwise, he would go in the wrong direction. After attaining Self-realization, as one prevails in the Gnani's Agna (five directives that preserve the awareness as the Self in Akram Vignan), only after that is the pudgal considered as the doer of everything, and only then can it be considered that You [as the Self] are not liable. If one were to say this [the pudgal is the doer] without that [Self-realization and prevailing in the Gnani's Agna] then everyone would go on the wrong path.