Blockchain technology is coming to replace the old, rotten system of governance around the world. Embrace it!
The world is preoccupied with dissecting, analyzing and prognosticating on the blockchain's future; technologists, entrepreneurs, and enterprises are wondering if it is to be considered vitamin or poison.
I love this stuff - bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain technology - and what the future holds.
Although the Ethereum blockchain is a public blockchain, it is great to see private and consortium blockchains using the Ethereum code base actively under development.
You can write anything that you would be able to write on a server and put it onto the blockchain. Instead of Javascript making calls to the server, you would be making calls to the blockchain.
The old question 'Is it in the database?' will be replaced by 'Is it on the blockchain?'
The blockchain applications market is unravelling along a segmentation of activity that is spread along two sets of variables: private vs. public blockchains, and new vs. existing business models.
Before Blockchain Capital, I was cranking out startups like an incubator.
As I was looking around, to me, what was happening in the blockchain and crypto world was a movement.
Blockchain Capital was the first dedicated venture fund to invest in crypto and blockchain.
Most blockchain platforms don't share that much in common, resulting in choice lock-ins, lack of interoperability, and potentially dead-ends that are hard to untangle.
Blockchain technologies will change transactions in a broad way.
We all want a non-fragmented solution, but the utopian version of a single blockchain to rule them all is undesirable and impractical.
I'm not wed to bitcoin's blockchain. I'm blockchain-agnostic.