Patience is a virtue not a vice.
An intelligent woman is a goldmine! She has the ability to learn, reason and understand things better and faster than her contemporaries. She is competent, alert and can reason out stuffs easily.
Choosing the good of all is always your highest calling, even if that means people don’t like you for it. Being liked is meaningless if real love is not at the heart of your purpose.
The work of soul has nothing at all to do with your physical appearance, weight, height, muscle size, breast size, penis size, or the amount of hair on your head. Nothing physical endures, because nothing physical needs to endure. Nothing physical matters, because matter doesn’t matter. And nothing physical is worth perfecting, because that which is truly perfect was always yours from the beginning.
Evil is simply a hard truth, a fact we must face from time to time both in human form and on the Ethereal Plane. Its power comes not from any real source as light does, but rather from a fall into emptiness, a hopeless despair perpetuated over and over again by the judges of Earth.
Prayer is not escape from but escape to, and the difference is important. When you take human form, you are not choosing to live in a prison, even one of Heaven’s design. Rather, you are choosing for a time to breathe the air of conflict, and taste the bitter herbs of higher learning. Prayer is an escape back to God’s own bosom, where the soul retreats not for pity but for rest.
People don’t just watch the horrible news happening around the world. They take it in like food. They feed themselves with all the pain and suffering, because they think digesting it this way will somehow make them more immune to it.
Namaste means the spirit in me sees the spirit in you. And do you see yet the great truth in this simple phrase? When your eyes and brain alone cannot see the spirit in another, the spirit in you sees it always.