Vanessa Williams in person is like... the camera cannot capture how gorgeous this woman is! She is just so breathtaking.
After being a mom, we are now in a different chapter in our womanhood, and instead of trying to be our old selves or get our old body back, we should embrace who we are now.
That's something I've struggled with my entire life - people underestimating me.
I wouldn't be able to tackle a character like Rosalee on 'Underground' without having tackled the many characters I've played before.
'Full House' was the first time I had ever been in front of a live audience. I said a line I had rehearsed with my mom, and they laughed. It was wild. To have that energy of the live audience was like, Whaaat? Feeding off that live audience was, to a 4 or 5 year old, a high.
Before being a mom, I remember going on a Twitter rant during the whole George Zimmerman trial in Florida about my younger brothers and how one day I'll be the mom of a black son.