After I quit the U.S. Ski Team, there was a fair amount of, you know, grief that follows that, and I just wanted to take a year off. And I had a friend that lived in Los Angeles, said I could crash on his couch. And so I just kind of did the first really spontaneous thing I'd done in my young adult life.
I would love to raise a fund or get some awesome empowered women together and put together an advisory board to get behind female entrepreneurs.
I was in the company of movie stars, important directors, and powerful business tycoons. I felt like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole.
Because of athletics, I got real comfortable with risk at a young age.
I believed that writing my story was my best shot to be able to pay my mom and my attorneys back and pull myself out of this massive crisis that I had put myself in.
I think everyone can relate to that fall from grace - having life change in an instant or having to stand for some of your bad choices, that feeling of 'Nothing is ever going to be good again.'
My mom had put her house up to bail me out of jail!
I did a little soul searching to explore where I had gone wrong, why I made the decisions I did, how my definitions of success and ambition were off. I love a great new pair of shoes - I love to look at my bank account and see zeroes - but what is it attached to?
You're going up against the billionaire boys' club or trying to find your way into something you have no basis for, and it's bigger than anything you ever imagined - and then actually having that work. Having that risk pan out. It taught me to be very fearless - maybe too fearless in the end.
I believe that refusing to quit and refusing to fail will trump talent and brilliance in the end.
Look at the things you've done and ask for forgiveness. After clearing out that wreckage from the past, you can move forward, in a way, to keep your finger on the pulse.
I know for sure that you have to re-define power as power that comes from within. Success needs to be more comprehensive and attached to something with meaning.
I'm finally my dad's favourite because Kevin Costner is playing him.
I developed an interesting skill set in that I was able to create a network and create experiences and environment - I built this decadent playground for men. It might have been successful, but it wasn't important. It didn't have any true meaning.
I built the most exclusive and decadent high-profile club for powerful men.
In sports, especially skiing, you have to be comfortable with risk. You have to have a relationship with fear, and it can't dominate the decision-making process.
The motivations I had for being successful were somewhat dysfunctional.
I grew up in a very high-achieving family. I have a brother who's a Harvard-educated cardiothoracic surgeon. My other brother is a two-time Olympian, fifth-round draft pick for the Philadelphia Eagles, and an entrepreneur and philanthropist.
Money is the great equalizer.
I was bankrolling the games, vetting the players, extending the credit. My life was really stressful.