The point is technology and innovation have advanced far past what DCGS is capable of doing. It's not an agile enough tool to be able to incorporate and integrate the most advanced technology that is on the shelf today that can be bought by our forces that frankly our war-fighting units want.
The lack of trust between the federal government and the American citizens of this country is such a wide gap, we have to renew that trust for the people of this country going forward.
If people want to change the law, they should vote so that we can appoint pro-life judges. I believe the law should be changed.
What we need to do is we need to come to grips with this cancerous form of the Islamic religion that is breaking down the Arab world order, and that is very clear.
Tehran already has the largest inventory of ballistic missiles in the Middle East.
One of the things that we have to keep in mind on Iran is Iran is also a country with ballistic missiles, cyber capabilities.
One letter to bin Laden reveals that al Qaeda was working on chemical and biological weapons in Iran.
Units were coming to combat with DCGS because it was their tool kit, so to speak, but they basically had it boxed up and parked in a corner. They were using off-the-shelf stuff they were having to buy prior to coming into the theater.
We don't go to war to protect Pizza Hut or Burger King or some other things, some of the nonsense I've seen on our battlefields.
Frankly, Donald Trump won the candidacy for the Republican Party. Let's get on board and help him win.
The only way to clean up Chicago is to get rid of Capone.
I vote for leaders, and honestly, I didn't vote much in the military because I served whoever is the commander-in-chief.
Despite what you hear in the news from the Obama administration and the military, our strategy of conducting infrequent airstrikes and re-taking pockets of Iraq and Syria terrain will only help us achieve short-lived tactical victories.
Donald Trump's leadership, decision-making and problem solving will restore America's role as the undeniable and unquestioned world leader.
What we achieved under General Petraeus up through 2011, and defeating this threat that we faced out there, I mean, once we decided to come out of there, we squandered an enormous opportunity that, frankly, the military did actually provide our nation and provided the Middle East.
Within the government, within the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, you have practically eliminated any training or any use of the term 'radical Islam.' That's what we're facing.
One of the things I expect Mr. Trump would look for in a vice president is discretion.
We have real enemies, dedicated to dominating and eventually destroying us, and they are not going to be talked out of their hatred.
I've been called an extremist.
There's a lot of information on Iran in the files and computer discs captured at the Pakistan hideout of Osama bin Laden.