One trait of addictive families is that we never recognize our own addictions.
Living in continual chaos is exhausting, frightening. The catch is that it's also very addictive.
I have spent much of my adult life flinching with pain as I tried to pull out the threads that bound the shadows of my past to me.
There is a time of reckoning in all our lives.
I spent an entire evening seated between Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, being charmed from either side. It was pure Hollywood magic.
Barry Manilow has gone from being the love of my life to being a friend for life.
I was born in a blender.
The world fell apart. Sirhan Sirhan shot Bobby Kennedy. Why were people shooting all the Kennedys? Had the country gone mad?
To me, being grown-up meant smoking cigarettes, drinking cocktails, and dressing up in high heels and glamourous outfits.
I choose not to think of my life as surviving, but coping.
Dodi got a lot of criticism when he began dating Princess Diana. No one seemed to think he was good enough for her.
The eyebrow pencil and false eyelashes were essential; my mother didn't feel dressed without them.
People are always asking me what it's like to be Judy Garland's daughter. It's hard to be a legend's child.
My mother's life had been destroyed by the Garland legend.
The sicker mother got, the stranger the people surrounding her became. I called them The Garland Freaks.
My mother was a phoenix who always expected to rise from the ashes of her latest disaster. She loved being Judy Garland.
The most memorable night of The Judy Garland Show for me was the night my mother pulled me out of the audience and sang to me onstage.
When I look back at The Judy Garland Show, I have such mixed feelings. It broke my mother's heart when they canceled it.
One of the oddities about being Judy Garland's daughter was that everyone treated my mother with such awe that they would never have asked me the normal questions kids get about their moms.
When you're Judy Garland and you want something, you just pick up the phone and call somebody. Anybody.