When you stand out in a small town or at work,or in your peer group, whatever it is, it feels really awful. Certainly, when you're growing up, you want to be normal. You just want to fit in. Then you realize that maybe fitting in is, in some respects, quite ordinary. I think it's good to put a positive spin on being slightly unique.
I'm a flirt by nature, and I like flirting with that line of what's passable and what's not, and I genuinely don't believe that I cross it.
Growing up in Canada, I dated a few ice hockey players.
Isolated incidents have lateral, lasting implications.
I think commitment is inextricably linked with success, and rightly or wrongly, people with a fierce commitment to their goals - the Kanyes of this world - are really entertaining.
If you really want to wind up Piers Morgan, send him a pic of Jeremy Clarkson.
My life is so much better with lupus because I know that stress and too much junk food will literally put me in hospital.
I love Lena Dunham. I love, love, love her.
People who like my stuff and know what my agenda is have never mistaken me for being racist or poking fun at the wrong thing.
We don't have 'posh' in Canada. It's just not a thing that exists.
Posh people blow my mind. Apart from empathy, they're good at everything - true survivalists.
Why would you watch an Oscar-nominated film unless you're mad enough to purposely experience feelings? Bleh. I'm not interested in catching those.
Alice Levine has great unique style and beautiful red hair.
I got into comedy at exactly the right moment.
I feel like I'm always on the right side of wrong and trying to shout out for the underdog.
I'm a single mother. It's silly to turn down work.
Part of me has always wanted to be like Marilyn Monroe or any Fifties Hollywood starlet. On screen, they seemed so sexy and simple and looked after. In real life, I'm none of those things. But I'd rather be fierce and complicated.
I know a lot about systemic lupus erythematosus because I have it, too. I was diagnosed through the NHS when I first moved to England in 2008 following months of serious illness.
I'm not a Rachel Dolezal. I don't fake tan; I don't have the cornrows, I don't misappropriate. I just want to be Beyonce.
I have huge admiration for Taylor Swift. She's tall, talented, young, thin, and beautiful. More importantly, she seems focused, generous, vulnerable, and kind.