Before you find your soul mate, you must first discover your soul.
Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success.
Fear and anxiety many times indicates that we are moving in a positive direction, out of the safe confines of our comfort zone, and in the direction of our true purpose.
Even the smallest changes in our daily routine can create incredible ripple effects that expand our vision of what is possible.
Before I can become an expert on anything, I must first become an expert on me.
The way I see it, our natural human instinct is to fight or flee that which we perceive to be dangerous. Although this mechanism evolved to protect us, it serves as the single greatest limiting process to our growth. To put this process in perspective and not let it rule my life, I expect the unexpected; make the unfamiliar familiar; make the unknown known; make the uncomfortable comfortable; believe the unbelievable.
When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in the direction of your dreams (aligned with your individual gifts) you will be cloaked in an armor bestowed upon you by your guardian angel.
Some say if you want success surround yourself with successful people. I say if you want true and lasting success surround yourself with people of integrity.