I love laugh lines. It means you've had a good life. The most beautiful women - Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Hutton, Ali MacGraw - all embraced the aging process.
I've always liked simple. Growing up, I wore corduroys and Lacoste shirts, Maraolo flats, and maybe one gold bracelet.
I'm never without my personalised Anya Hindmarch diary - I keep my schedule online, too, but my diary is always in my bag. It's crammed Post-its.
We have a house near East Hampton, and of all the beaches I've been to, I think there is something so beautiful about Long Island beaches. I love them in the fall and winter.
I've always been inspired by beautiful interiors.
If you're on a night flight or are incredibly tired from jet lag, somehow a tiny bit of bronzer and self-tanner on your face, legs, and arms just makes you feel rejuvenated and refreshed.
My mother taught me that it is important to be prepared for a last-minute polish.
I love cereals. We must have 10 to 15 boxes. But if I'm being honest, I have Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms hidden behind the healthier ones.
Everyone always asks, 'Did you ever rebel? Did you dye your hair blue? Did you wear black nail polish?' I mean, of course, there have been episodes when you wear weird-colored lipstick... But generally, I think I was pretty much the way I am now.
Just because something is on trend doesn't mean you have to embrace it. You can look at it and admire it, but that doesn't mean you have to wear black nail polish or red lipstick.
I don't use a stylist. I know what I like, so I do it myself. I rip things out from fashion magazines. It's easy to order when the phone number is right on the page.
I usually keep my personal style simple and streamlined. I like classic colors like black, white, and beige. White and black is my favorite color combination, and I like to finish up my look with an accent of gold jewelry.
I'm the only person who's uninspired by the Starbucks mocha peppermint whatever-it-is.