I wasn't born with a silver spoon in Beverly Hills, but I was born with a great deal of self-worth.
In 2013, after a challenging two years of long-term IV antibiotics and six weeks at a clinic in florida, I received the 'Star Light' award from the Lyme Research Alliance for my advocacy and strength to light the way of Lyme disease awareness.
I choose to live in the present because when you suffer from chronic illness, you don't have a choice. It's day by day, one foot in front of the other. When there is a good day, you soak up that moment. Those 'good selfie' moments are captured because they're a gift.
The ALS ice bucket challenge was really the most brilliant publicity stunt of 2014, and it has brought worldwide awareness for a barely-known disease.
It took me a while to learn the true meaning of patience and surrender, but I have finally accepted that healing doesn't happen on our schedule. It doesn't have a clock or a calendar.
It's sad that people forget sometimes that there is a whole legitimate world of artists and actors out there that work their entire life, every day on perfecting their craft, but yet don't get any acknowledgement for their extraordinary commitment to their profession.