Thus, lacking the necessary follow-through required for sustained success, pure Jupiterian energy will not succeed. It can translate to a case of easy come, easy go. On the other hand, pure Saturnian energy would struggle without Fortune’s favor. Here we will see diligent people beset with trials and tribulations, one after another.
Unlike Saturn who prefers limiting its territory to a manageable size, Jupiter actually goes out and takes chances. And surprisingly, the more chances one seems to take, the more likely one can find opportunities.
Now, many people have a problem with their bubbles being burst. Some people don’t want to go back into reality—they just want to be left alone with their ideas, daydreams, and fantasies. When Saturn comes to meet them, weighs their dreams against reality and finds the same wanting, they get a little sore. When they want a castle but Saturn brings them a bungalow because that’s all they could afford, they could get a little mad and pouty. I myself do, sometimes.
As such, it is in my humble opinion as an astrologer that Donald Trump will not be impeached as long as Saturn is in Capricorn. However, as Saturn enters his 7th House in Aquarius in December 2020 up until March 2023, he will experience a major obstacle that may compel him to readjust his Goal. As such, it can present itself as possible difficulties if he tries for re-election, forcing him to modify his strategy and rethink his moves. Or, it could have something to do with marriage troubles (the 7th House is concerned with relationships, after all). But it would be a temporary hurdle. All’s well for him as he is still in the steady climb state until 2028, when Saturn enters his 10th House and halts his progress, so he can still get re-elected either in 2020 or 2024 should he retain his Goal of becoming President.