If only we the genuine humans had the real guts, and sense of real responsibility to act as the holy warriors on our own original beliefs and principles, then we wouldn’t see any trace of terrorism in the world whatsoever, religious or otherwise.
Let your action glitter with real holiness - and then only will the world witness the manifestation of real religion - the religion of love - the religion of compassion - the religion of service
The world has enough gods, more than seven billion of them, to diminish all its miseries and perturbations. Then why is it not good and safe a planet yet to live on! Because those Gods are sleeping and in their dream they are worshipping imaginary shadows of their inner divinity. They need to wake up first, in order to reign over the world and then transform it with their ceaseless streams of radiant divinity.
La Religion ne signifie pas obéir à certaines règles issues de livres écrits il y a des centaines ou des milliers d’années. La Religion signifie la réalisation du soi.
Real religion can only be realized by lion-hearts who have the guts to go against all predominant prejudices of the society, not by sheep of books.