To lovers out there…. In a relationship you must give as much as you take or give more. You can’t always withdraw , without putting something in . You will exhaust your love balance and there won’t be anything left for you. Most relationship are running on negative balance, because one partner is only benefiting and receiving from the relationship without contributing.
To Lovers out there…. The balanced scale of love in a relationship, is that a relationship is about you, about your partner and about both of you. You must be happy, your partner must happy, both of you must be happy. No one should be more prioritized than the other.
To Lovers out there…. It matters not, if you are dating a good person or a bad person. If your dating someone who is wild or dating someone who is shy. Dating someone who is a Christian or someone who is a party freak. If you are dating someone who is famous or anonymous . What really matters is how they treat you and how are they to you.
To lovers out there… Being single is not an achievement, so being in a relationship. Don’t impress people by being single or by being in relationship, but never be in denial if you love someone and you have love in you. Fighting your feelings will only bring you sadness.
To lovers out there… Stop doing match making for people. When people look perfect for each other. That doesn't mean they deserve each other. Some people may look good and presentable. Speak well and seem like they have it all together, to find out that they are bad people.
To lovers out there… There are people who are damaged inside. They might speak well, look beautiful, sexy, fit , gorgeous, handsome. They mighty be filthy rich or having high profiles ,statuses or big titles. Don’t just get into any relationship with anyone without doing a background check on them. This is also why most relationship fail. It is because, People don’t take time to know who they are dating . The only do investigation when they think they are cheating.
To lovers out there… The partner that has more money or the one that is more beautiful or handsome in a relationship. It is the one that becomes abusive in a relationship. Never be in a relationship with someone who thinks they are doing you a favor by being with you.
To lovers out there… There are people who are damaged inside. They might speak well, look beautiful, sexy, fit , gorgeous, handsome. They might be filthy rich or having high profiles ,statuses or big titles. Don’t just get into any relationship with anyone without doing a background check on them. This is also why most relationship fail. It is because, People don’t take time to know who they are dating . They only do investigation , when they think their partner is cheating.
To lovers out there… There are people who are damaged inside. They might speak well, look beautiful, sexy, fit , gorgeous, handsome. They mighty be filthy rich or having high profiles ,statuses or big titles. Don’t just get into any relationship with anyone without doing a background check on them. This is also why most relationship fail. It is because, People don’t take time to know who they are dating . They only do investigation , when they think their partner is cheating.
To lovers out there…. To love and to fall in love is a beautiful thing. If you loved and you your loved by the right person, but it is the horrible thing when you love and your loved by the wrong or bad person.
To lovers out there… Some people their beauty , body, looks, money and jobs got them into relationship or marriage , but their character and behavior fails to keep them into relationship or marriage.
To lovers out there… Some people their beauty , body, looks, money,cars and jobs got them into relationship or marriage , but their character and behavior fails to keep them into the relationship or marriage.
To lovers out there… You must fear abusive relationship, the same way you fear being lonely. There is no relationship worth dying for . If you are dead , how will you be able to love.
To lovers out there… I have realized that even thou I can cook for myself . I can drive myself, and I can do lot of things for myself. It is always nice to be driven . I enjoyed food been coked by someone and its always nice when someone does the things for me. It is the same with Love. You can love yourself , but the best Love is when you get it from someone . When someone loves you back, even when you can love yourself.
To lover out there… You can’t standardize Love, because love evolves. It depends on the person, mood, environment , feeling and situation. So whatever works for you at that time , might not work for others. Whatever work for others might not work for you. Just do how you feel.
To Lovers out there…. No matter how rich or how poor you are. No matter how famous or anonymous you are. No matter how beautiful or how ugly you are. Everyone deserve someone special in their lives. Everyone deserve to be loved by someone.