There has never been a better time in history to be an environmental radiation researcher.
Science, the agent that once promised to eradicate the supernatural, had, through the nuclear threat, resurrected it. Magic was not exactly alive, but it was surely undead.
I have a love-hate relationship with radiation.
When you look into the wide range of science on environmental radiation, it is reasonable to conclude that there is an extensive corporate government conspiracy to radiation poison the global population.
This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power.
It's a near miracle that nuclear war has so far been avoided.
Despite claims by some to the contrary, we have heard numerous times in hearings and briefings by experts that existing technologies do not fully or effectively detect nuclear material.
In nuclear war all men are cremated equal.
The present basic philosophy is nuclear deterrence.
There is an urgent need for disarmament of all kinds, but especially nuclear disarmament.
Nuclear disarmament is one of the greatest legacies we can pass on to future generations.
The nuclear generator of brain sludge is television.
Measuring nuclear yield depends on multiple parameters - the location and number of instruments, the geology of the area, the location of the seismic station in relation to the test site.
What we achieved was a nuclear pause, not a nuclear halt.
Nuclear holocaust might eliminate the Internet.
Israel has a sizeable nuclear arsenal and could retaliate if it were attacked.