Happy New Year I am wishing you and the loved ones prosperity, more opportunities, good health, good relationship, good partner, good job and more years, more money, more blessings, more fun ,more peace and happiness. May the Lord grant you the desire of your heart , May all your hard work pay off and all your dreams come through.
The term '20/20 vision' implies good if not perfect sight. May the advent of 2020 - a new year, a new decade - see a lifting of the fog which has recently blurred the edges of what can be described as 'acceptable political discourse', and in the process refocus voter attention on the clear need to demand from elected representatives, a display of basic decency and decorum in public life - both of which have been seriously lacking in the behaviour of some high profile politicians on both sides of the pond, on an eye-watering number of occasions. That indeed would be a sight for sore eyes.
For a change, don't add new things in your life as a new year's resolution. Instead, do more of what's already working for you and stop doing things that are time-waste.