If you have to choose between any two, first choose time to think.
One must savor the coffee, to actually have it.
You must stay close to your problems and solve them, because running away doesn't work; Even if it does, it will only make you weak.
Do not try to convince someone who is angry, as the result could be the opposite of what you expect.
If men are Stars, then women are Sky; there's no marvel without either of them.
Being desperate for something is not bad, but it is when you let your desperation be overly visible.
Speed will not take you to success but right direction will.
My opinion is that a school with no playground isn't a school at all.
Philanthropy comes in all sizes but they all weigh the same.
Nothing can last when the foundation is weak, neither a home nor a relationship.
True love will never discriminate.
You should never stop learning and trying.
I only work at the pleasure of myself.
Luxury is best experienced not when it's inherited but when it's earned.
Always remember those things that you are proud of, because they will support you in difficult times and give you a restart.
When you see yourself versus the whole world, there's nothing that can stop you from achieving your goals.
Are people talking bad about you? There are two possible reasons for this, either what they are saying is true or they are just jealous of you.
Give yourself and those in need an elixir of life by pledging your organs.
With determination and hard work, you will grow to a position capable of advising others.
A wise person is the one who knows what he knows and what he does not know.