As a young designer in tune with culture, I'm interested in the lifeline of trends.
I'm interested in designing for posterity.
I'm interested in a lot of different sounds and types of music.
I suppose I am interested in women plus anonymity plus disappearance.
I'm not interested in disposable music.
I wasn't interested at all in doing a documentary. I was not a public figure.
I'm interested in direct communication about domestic life.
I'm not a man deeply interested in technology. It eludes me.
I'm not that interested in recreating reality. I'm interested in recreating an emotional truth.
The meditation traditions I started and have continued practicing have all emphasized inclusivity: anyone can do this who is interested.
I was always interested in enchantment and magicians and still am.
I've received some English-speaking scripts, but I was not interested in them.
My father was interested in bringing reggae music to the entire world.
My mother is extremely interested in everything esoteric.
I'm interested in utopian communities of the past. Many of them didn't survive and I'm examining closely the reasons they failed.
Like all novelists, I'm interested in the filters between reality and the imagination.
I'm interested in flawed protagonists. I was raised on them.
I'm interested in people forging their realities.
I'm very interested in foundational narratives.
I've always been interested in gadgets and technology and I've always been a reader.