I was born in Brooklyn, delivered by a Chinese doctor on a table in a boarding house on Sept. 23, 1920.
I couldn't really relate much to my younger sister, because she was born in 1992, and I was born in 1986. And then my older sister, we just didn't get on that much. Although we bonded over hating our stepdad.
It's a good thing I was born a girl, otherwise I'd be a drag queen.
I was born in a place where your ZIP code determines your destiny.
My father is from Bosnia, and my mother is from Croatia, but I was born in Sweden.
I was born in Westchester, NY. I grew up around the Rye Brook area, and then I moved to White Plains with my family.
I was born and raised in Charleston, SC.
I was born after the Civil Rights Movement.
Where a beast would have claws, I was born with talent.
As I was born to be unfortunate, my sun soon clouded.
I was born 'neath a clouded star.
I was born December 21, 1917, in Cologne, on the Rhine, the son of the sculptor and cabinet-maker, Viktor Boell, and his wife, Maria, nee Hermanns.
I was born in Iowa City and spent my early childhood on a hippie commune just outside of town.
I must confess, I was born at a very early age.
When I was born, my father was a copper miner in Butte, Montana. It was a hard-core, blue-collar situation.
I was born in the poor countryside. I was raised in the countryside, planting corn and selling sweets made by my grandmother.
Probably a few weeks after I was born I started having casts put on my legs to straighten them out. After that corrective shoes and with a brace in between.
I was born in Fayette County, over in Lexington, Kentucky, but I was raised most of my life in Paintsville.
I was born realizing the flaws in the criminal justice system.
I vehemently deny that I was born a cynic and a pessimist.