I know there is only one Governor Of Deities.
While anchoring at Boston's WCVB-TV, I reported on Mitt Romney's run for Massachusetts governor.
When I was born, my father was governor of Arkansas.
In my opinion, Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't qualified to be governor of California.
Every year, virtually every governor balances the budget.
I intensely covered Bush when he was Governor of Texas.
Governor is not the position to have in Oklahoma. It is the head coach of Oklahoma or Oklahoma State or Tulsa.
Governor Romney is a good debater.
My nomination to be Governor was not to gratify ambition.
As governor, it is my highest priority to protect Arizona citizens.
When I'm governor... I'll be the first governor with a listed telephone number.
My children were attacked by the Minnesota media when I was governor.
When I ran for governor of Minnesota, I only raised $300,000.
I became involved in a residential school for the blind in Raleigh - the Governor Morehead School for the Blind in Raleigh.
I had supported Governor George W. Bush over Senator John McCain in the 2000 Rhode Island presidential primary.
Before I was governor, tuition was skyrocketing, and we stopped that. We capped and then we froze college tuition.
I acted on my core beliefs on social issues as governor.
I'm Nikki Haley, Governor of the great state of South Carolina.
When I became governor, I vowed to restore the public's trust.