I leave pansies, the symbolic flower of freethought, in memory of the Great Agnostic, Robert Ingersoll, who stood for equality, education, progress, free ideas and free lives, against the superstition and bigotry of religious dogma. We need men like him today more than ever. His writing still inspires us and challenges the 'better angels' of our nature, when people open their hearts and minds to his simple, honest humanity. Thank goodness he was here.
We always look for solutions outside, without realizing that they lie within us. And when people are foolish enough to seek solutions from others, which they are already in possession of, it's only natural that charlatans queue across the world to cash in on that foolishness. Here, I am not talking about the experts of various fields, such as scientists, doctors, philosophers and others - I am talking about those apes who are commonly worshiped by fools as mystics, yogis and gurus.