Another indicator a male is ready to truly work in union on the higher levels is when he is able to see, feel and love beyond the body. Conquering the demon of lust, so to say, is a task that when accomplished the male is able to live and do life and relationship from the heart space.
The key is being aware of what’s happening in your intimate experiences. Healthy relationships are where the individuals love themselves first so they can exchange love with each other fairly. If someone in the relationship love is absent the other will be left feeling drained.
The male is the giving part of a sexual union and the female is the receptive part. Since the wombman is the receiver she must be aware of her partner’s spiritual nature before choosing to be intimate with him.
When we agree to enter into relationship it’s an agreement to throw away our self-serving desires for the purpose of working together. Throwing away self-serving desires is not throwing away your self-care and personal growth. It’s instead opening up and extending yourself to the other person to work with you to grow and vice versa while still maintaining your own growth.