When a woman allows a man to enter her he is either giving or taking vital energy. A man can only share vital energy if he possesses it. A man’s vitality lies in his inner work and reservation of his semen emissions, which contains vital energy, life force. Avoiding overly frequent ejaculations is key. Building your storehouse of vital energy takes maturity and discipline.
Cosmic sexuality is remembering that we are more than these bodies and by coming into alignment with this deeper truth, we tune into our greater cosmic existence. Tuning into our greater cosmic existence, we are now coming into greater alignment with source. As we achieve this level of alignment, we can transcend the physical base levels of sexuality and enter into the higher aspects of sexuality itself.
If you are alive and breathing you are very capable of experiencing a cosmic connectivity with explosive intimacy. Both partners must be on the same frequency spiritually and mentally and the rest will follow. We are spirits on a human journey and all roads to life will lead us back to each other and the universe as a whole.
Briefly covering the ABC’s of sexual practice, please ensure you’re having sexual relations with someone you trust that you can be honest and free with, someone you feel safe with and find a method of protection you are most comfortable with. These things cannot be stressed enough, and they are vital to moving beyond just the bodily desire of sex and into the cosmic experience using sex as the medium. If you feel you need more clarity on finding a suitable partner we cover this in depth in our previous book, Learning to Love.
Once properly aligned with your mate everything will happen naturally. If you are alive and breathing, you are very capable of experiencing cosmic connectivity with explosive intimacy.
The most empowering thing one can do is give themselves permission to fully love themselves. Often we experience relationships that are toxic and we block ourselves off from love in all directions including within. The most important thing to remember is your relationship with your being is crucial for yourself and all other relationships.
Some of us keep searching outwards but at some point instinctively you realize that when you’ve accumulated everything there’s nothing else left outside of you. It happens as an internal realization, that after you conquer everything that you were set out to conquer you need something deeper, you need something more and love is that more.
Generally, truth is paradoxical where both sides combined come together to create the truth needed and it’s very hard to see that truth if two people believe that their perspective is greater than the other. So it requires those two individuals to come together, in a very centered way, and in a very peaceful way, and peaceful not in the sense of non-quarreling but peaceful in the sense of allowance and trust to reach the center point together, of truth.
Preparing for partnership is a process the male must want to go through. Sometimes there are life experiences that can trigger the desire to transcend his lower nature into a higher existence.
Another indicator a male is ready to truly work in union on the higher levels is when he is able to see, feel and love beyond the body. Conquering the demon of lust, so to say, is a task that when accomplished the male is able to live and do life and relationship from the heart space.