It was who you knew and not how good you were that determined success in certain high altitude observatories.
It is time to end the insanity that calls itself very high altitude astronomy.
It is time to demolish the biologically toxic Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO).
During my time in high altitude astronomy, I was never informed that I was working in an abnormal radiation environment for the sea level adapted human.
During my time in high altitude astronomy, I became aware of workers having gender issues. Many years later I discovered that sex hormones were affected by high altitude exposures.
I will use the full range of knowledge I have accumulated on High Altitude Observatory Diseases (HAOD) to assist in the shut down of the biologically toxic 1.4 billion dollar Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
The insatiable quest for knowledge is far greater than the quest for worker health and safety.
The science of spirituality requires that I oppose the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea.
I find spirituality to be the most fascinating aspect of scientific research.
The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea was an opportunity to push forward the science of High Altitude Observatory Diseases (HAOD).
When I look at the high level of science that I have been able to produce on just a few thousand dollars per year, I shake my head in disbelief at the need to spend 1.4 billion dollars on a single research project.
The mission in very high altitude astronomy was to obtain the science at the expense of worker health and safety.
I will use science to shut down the toxic Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
Harass me...and I will shut you down with science!
The science clearly states that it is impossible not to damage the long term health of a sea level adapted human that spends its life going from near sea level up to very high altitude on a daily basis.
I am a person of science and spirit.
When it comes to Steven Magee versus the 1.4 billion dollar Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea, the established biological science on the toxicity of very high altitudes to summit workers is on Magee’s side.
Smart people use real science to shut down bad science.
I am in a love-hate relationship with insanity.
I am in the process of demolishing the corrupt business model of high altitude astronomy with the bulldozer of science.