If you are the person who gets the lion's share of attention in good times, guess what: you get the lion's share of attention in bad times.
Does anyone want to see a person who's making the money that the newspapers say I'm making complaining, 'Woe is me, my life is terrible, and people are being unfair?' No one would've had any patience for that. I wouldn't have any patience for that.
I'm not going to whine or get depressed. Who's going to feel sorry for me? Nobody.
There was always an unspoken generosity about my mom.
I probably would do over the Tom Cruise interview because I've thought of so many things I would have said in hindsight.
My mother is a strong woman. Her strength comes from being tested by life's unpredictability. It comes from soldiering on for her children, even when she might rather have given up. I know it hasn't always come easily, but I also know it's her greatest gift.