My personal decorating style is cozy, romantic and a little rustic, with a sense of whimsy.
As weird as it may seem, I enjoy doing laundry and watering my plants, very normal things like that.
Oh, gosh, first of all, Paula Deen is my idol. I adore that woman. I got to be on her show a few months ago, and I'm telling you that was at the top of my bucket list.
Luckily, I have my husband, who is Mr. Organized. Because I don't have that part of Martha Stewart in my body.
My hubby makes a mean salmon steak at the grill, but he leaves all the sides up to me. I love to grill and roast vegetables. I also experiment with baking instead of frying some things, like onion rings. I even make biscuits with coconut oil these days.
My girl crush is Dolly Parton. I've never met her, but I keep wanting to run into her in a grocery story or something!