Without the Knowledge of One's real form as the Self and Its realization, anything that is being done will cause that living being to wander about aimlessly in worldly life.
Circumstances will change but (True) Knowledge [Gnan] will not change.
Where there is competition, one cannot attain (true) 'Knowledge'.
We can never have Knowledge (Gnan) without worship (bhakti). Such knowledge would be considered shushka-gnan [unproductive knowledge]. It cannot be considered True Knowledge.
Worship without ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] will give material pleasures in the world and worship accompanied by ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] is known as ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] which gives the result of moksha [ultimate liberation].
You have to recognize the Knowledge of the Gnanis’ [the enlightened ones]. You have to recognize the world from the perspective of love (prem swaroop).