Each generation is smarter than the generation before, and they need total diversion and encouragement and things to think about.
There are two kinds of people... There are the dreamers who go and buy, and there are the doers who go and make. And I've always recognized that. So the dreamers are what support our company because they will buy the product that they could make if they wanted to, had time to, or were so inclined to.
My goal with our American Made program is to inspire people of all ages to become 'doers,' whether it's them learning how to make an easy weekday dinner or starting their own business.
Drones can be useful tools, and I am all about useful tools. One of my mottos is 'the right tool for the right job.'
I think you can fairly say I spawned or laid an egg that has turned into a lifestyle industry.
My daughter emails me. When your daughter starts to email you instead of talk to you... It's horrible. You cannot forget human communication.
My parents were able to pay our expenses, but not for education. We were encouraged to work hard in school and get scholarships.
I don't even like firing people. I don't think I've ever said, 'You're fired' to anybody.
I haven't been to Tasmania. I haven't been to the South Pole, and I haven't been to the North Pole. I want to see the polar bear migration before there are no polar bears. I want to see Glacier National Park before the glacier melts.
The first book really was kind of an entertaining textbook for the homemaker. I couldn't find a good book about entertaining in 1982, and neither could my friend, so I decided to write it.
I was a very good cook, and I knew I could build a business.
I'm not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas.
Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success.
When I was a model - and I was all during high school and college - you always wanted to be on the cover of a magazine. That's how your success was judged. The more cover, the better.
I don't have time to have friends come and stay, except on weekends in Maine. I invite a lot of people to come to Maine.
A lot of TV people buy more than one of an item, in case they spot or stain it, but I don't like buying duplicates - it's wasteful.
I'm a maniacal perfectionist.
I don't think there's any company that has the same tools as Martha Stewart Living does, and people know that. They really love the tools and, if you have the tools, you can pretty much do the craft.
I'm very inspired by nature - you could say Mother Nature. I look at things around me and get all kinds of inspiration daily.
My new motto is: When you're through changing, you're through.