Most political wives are accidental politicians.
Romney, like Sen. John McCain and Bob Dole before him, were meant to mollify moderates, attract Independents, and 'rebrand' the party in a way that mostly fits the ideal of media types who would never vote Republican anyhow. Each of them lost.
The average American is more focused on leadership than likeability. And more focused on qualifications than quality of speakership.
Voters go into the ballot box with big ideas in their mind: leadership, change, experience, hope.
Although it shouldn't be, men behaving badly is sort of an occupational hazard for those working in Washington.
We got Defense of Marriage Act as a federal law from President Bill Clinton. And it was passed with bipartisan support.
What's happened with the over-the-counter birth control issue is that the Democrats didn't see it coming. They think that they've got a monopoly on talking to women from the waist down. Anything that has to do with reproduction and birth control and abortion - they call it women's health, then they call it women's issues.
Women are trying to have it all but are trying to regain control over their time. That's why many women are busting out of the traditional workforce and starting their own businesses.
The caricatures that the mainstream media and the Democrats have about Republicans have taken hold.
The fact is that Hillary Clinton could not stand up to a cheating husband, so how in the world would she stand up to North Korea and some of our other enemies around the globe?
Gov. Huckabee seems like somebody who could run effectively against a female candidate and not make it seem like he's being derogatory and impolite.
Sexual harassment is as difficult to prove as it is to disprove.
The Republican Party is too fixated on this fiction of electability.
Women in my focus groups, they say a bald man is trustworthy. He has nothing to hide.
I tell people all the time, 'Don't be fooled, because I am a man by day.'
Caucuses are different than primaries, and winner-take-all primaries are how Mitt Romney eventually took over Newt Gingrich in 2012 and why Rick Santorum left.
If you heard 40 times in a day that Newt Gingrich takes the wings off of butterflies, eventually you'd believe it.
John McCain was one of the senators who voted against George Herbert Walker Bush's disastrous break of his no new taxes pledge when he raised taxes in 1990. That's really important. He's a supply-sider. And he's got supply siders like Phil Graham and Jack Kemp to vouch for that.
Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama, each were told repeatedly, 'You can't win.' They all won.
I look at what the polls say about attributes. I noticed in 2004 that George W. Bush led John Kerry by double digits for eight straight months on the question of who is more likely to take a position and stick with it.