Seeing a miracle will inspire you, but knowing you are a miracle will change you.
When you make the dream of your heart a treasure of heaven, it holds an eternal value.
Feed your self-esteem; not your ego!
Your checkered past is not the pattern of your future.
All of us come to the time and place in our lives of choosing life over death, faith over fear, and light over darkness.
Sometimes the only way to move forward is to look behind you and see whatβs keeping you from moving ahead.
It is a gift of surrender one receives from their Creator to give up and sacrifice all back to him. It is a gift to be admired, not to be coveted.
When love is pursued, fear is surrendered, and you gain the freedom to worship in spirit and in truth.
If God started it with a vision, He will finish it with a Harvest!
All girls are beautiful. If you do not see it; you are not looking at what matters most - the heart!
The key to success is to align passion with purpose. Then make your goals to achieve your purpose.
Faith encompasses so much more than a denomination!