Entrepreneurship is enduring pain for a long time without relinquishing.
The world is full of people who want their ears tickled on strategies for wealth creation and protection and so-called revealed secrets to wealth creation. And there are plenty of slick 'business coaches' who are more than willing to do just that - for a fee. This is the world of the seminar guru.
QLA is not about filling your brain with information - it is starting a fire within your heart and soul!
It is extremely gratifying to see success like exhibited by the founders of Instagram!
All you need is the desire, passion, and will to fulfil your dreams!
It took me 8 years to graduate from undergraduate school because I kept 'communism from your door steps' for 3 1/2 years in between while serving in the U.S. Army.
Of course I have said, till I am blue in the face - people don't lack goals, passion, grit, or drive - they lack leadership!
People regularly practice playing a sport like golf or basketball - but few people think about 'practicing being successful.' I had practiced meeting the Queen of England - what I would wear, how I would stand, the handshake - so when I did meet her, I was comfortable - for I had practiced the moment for years.
The road to success is always under construction... there are lots of pot holes but no traffic jams.
All my life, I was always in a hurry! I was always hustling!
I can work 5-10 hrs. straight with no problem, though I do take towards the end of a 6-8 hr. work stint some time out to beat myself severely in the gym with weights/aerobics, including intervals!
Jerry Ormand was already a legendary Texas oilman when I met him. Yet he took the time to introduce me to the fine points of the oil business and how to survive and prosper amid the chaos of a rough-and-tumble industry.
I coach my mentees to act as if they are invincible - to act as if they could accomplish anything!
Good lawyers win so-so lawsuits. Great lawyers can win lawsuits in which you have little or no chance to win.
Next time, you question what you are doing - ask yourself? What could I do more? In most cases, extra time will be the greatest leverage you can apply!
As I have said many times - no 1 loves me as much as I love myself! And if you can't really love yourself, you can't love anything you do!
Our lives are a series of lowered expectations year after year. We got pounded by everything around us. Just like our parents and their parents. We are products of our social and economic milieu.
Wishing, hoping, and dreaming without an action plan - is nothing more than a pipe dream!
A famous man once said, 'A sure formula for failure is to try and please everyone.' Some might say I built a career on doing just the opposite of pleasing everyone.
Remarkably successful people habitually do what other people won't do. They go where others won't go because there's a lot less competition and a much greater chance for success.