You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment!
Especially in the car ride to and from gym. I find myself spacing out a lot, just visualizing what the Olympics would be like and just having such great role models.
My school friends are really understanding and still want to hang out with me. Ever since I was in sixth grade, I was at the gym every day to work out while my friends were getting their nails done or going to the mall. I used to feel left out, but I don't anymore.
I really like the retro look. My regular clothing, I like to always keep it classy and I like to kind of be more dressed up more of the time. I'm not really someone you see in sweatpants a lot.
Everyone is like, 'What were you thinking on the podium?' I'm like, I'm just like probably thinking, like, 'We're hungry,' to be honest.
I was two years old when my mom put me in mommy and me classes. I always had a lot of energy so it was the perfect fit!