A whole bunch of big technological shocks occurred when Asian innovations - paper, gunpowder, the stirrup, the moldboard plow and so on - came to Europe via the Silk Road.
Millions of people are married. I've never picked up a paper and seen a headline that says, Man Gets Married!
House Republicans are flimsier than toilet paper, except toilet paper actually has use. They're so pathetic.
In reality there is no such thing as an inflation of prices, relatively to gold. There is such a thing as a depreciated paper currency.
Animals outline their territories with their excretions, humans outline their territories by ink excretions on paper.
I write with a pen and paper. Never on a laptop.
These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves.
In the little hall leading to it was a rack holding various Socialist or radical newspapers, tracts, and pamphlets in very small print and on very bad paper. The subjects treated were technical Marxist theories.
The current medical records system is this: Room after room after room in a hospital filled with paper files.
To be a novelist, all I need is a pen and a piece of paper.
I do worry that the days of the physical paper are seriously numbered.
Wikipedians believe (and I do, too) that bits, being abstract, will outlast paper.
I always marked up a piece of paper before taking a job, looking at the pluses and minuses. If the latter outnumbered the former, I would pass.
I like to write paper mail - nobody does that anymore - with my pen pals.
I think I'm right-brained, incapable of managing my way out of a brown paper bag.
I can't argue my way out of a paper bag.
Paper currency has hitherto been regarded with suspicion, as insecure.
FDR, as best as I can tell, had no kind of involvement at all in our conversion to the paper currency.
It is not worth the paper it is written on unless it is backed by the kind of force that will make the other side consider the penalties too heavy to break the agreement.
In 2008, Bitcoin was mysteriously introduced to the world in an obscure, technical paper written under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. By late 2013, the financial press was filled with reportage on Bitcoin and its dramatic price increase.