What we anticipate seldom occurs: but what we least expect generally happens.
I'd like to help educate kids about the Major Leagues - what to anticipate, what to expect, what they'll need to do to prepare themselves.
Meryl Streep is at the apex of Hollywood, and it is ludicrous for anyone to think or for her to expect anyone to think that she was completely ignorant of Harvey Weinstein's serial predation of women.
I expect to see a lot of household appliances on the Net by 2010, as well as autos and other mobile devices.
They that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils.
I have a lifetime appointment and I intend to serve it. I expect to die at 110, shot by a jealous husband.
Canadians are hardly assertive or demanding. We don't expect U.S. presidents to bow down to our prime ministers when they visit us in Ottawa, nor are we looking for the occasional kickback on an F-16 deal.
Children now expect their parents to audition for approval.
I have no illusions concerning the precarious status of my tales and do not expect to become a serious competitor of my favorite weird authors.
He who awaits much can expect little.
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.
In the information society, nobody thinks. We expect to banish paper, but we actually banish thought.
We should naturally expect that the baptism of infants, if enjoined at all, would have been enjoined in the law which instituted the ordinance of Christian baptism. But this law is silent on the subject of infants.
Bergman was courageous in choosing people to do things that they themselves might not expect to play.
Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.
To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.
I think black Americans expect too much from individual black Americans in terms of changing the status quo.
I want people to be blown away when I do what they don't expect.
I did though at least expect him to correct the false statements he made when he was trying to protect the Presidency. Instead, he talked about it as though I had laid it all out there for the taking. I was the buffet and he just couldn't resist the dessert.
We expect candor and transparency from the president, from the administration.