Here the Frenchman, Spaniard, and Englishman all passed, leaving each his legend; and a brilliant and more or less feudal civilization with its aristocracy and slaves has departed with the economic system upon which it rested.
The offshoring of American jobs by global corporations and the deregulation of the U.S. financial system have resulted in American economic failure.
Most economic fallacies derive from the tendency to assume that there is a fixed pie, that one party can gain only at the expense of another.
Where I grew up, in Des Moines, Iowa, there is hardly any downtown economic activity now. Everybody shops in malls - you don't find a sense of community in malls.
History reminds us that dictators and despots arise during times of severe economic crisis.
I would say that workers in general, and white workers particularly, are correct that their economic wellbeing is deteriorating.
For the developed world, there is a choice to be made: to promote economic policies that despoil indigenous lands or to support cultures and the remaining biological sanctuaries.
I think about issues. I use my economic training to devise solutions.
#BlackLivesMatter has raised the bar in our national dialog: Addressing economic inequality is necessary but not sufficient. It is also necessary to directly confront racial injustice.
Unfortunately, history suggests that dictatorial regimes can withstand years, even decades, of economic sanctions.
My definition of feminism is a social, political, economic system by which all genders are valued, respected, and can live dignified lives.
War diminishes both civil and economic rights.
In dire economic times, movies are relatively inexpensive entertainment for the whole family.
Economic and technical imperatives - not any preconceived directives - will keep propelling the process of energy transition.
As London is suddenly promoted as a super-wealth brand, the England outside London shivers beneath cutbacks, tight circumstances and economic disasters.
Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous quality of stilling discontent while maintaining privilege, a fact that has not gone unnoticed among liberal economists.
The Canadian power line is going to industrialize Patagonia, and it is going to discount the one economic card the region has to play, which is the tourism.
In the past, due to faulty economic policies like freight equalisation, resource-rich states like Odisha have suffered from the discriminatory policies of the Centre.
Trump tapped into a lot of middle-class and working-class disillusion with the political establishment and into economic worries and resentments that ballooned in the wake of the 2008 financial crash.
I'm an economic human without any likes or dislikes!