NATHON SPEAKS: There are dreams that remain hidden deep inside of you, that are never shattered and are never taken from you And that is the dream to be completely free, completely yourself, and completely at one with all of life The dream of fulfilment The dream of love The dream of eternal life
Christ Speaks: In your gentle hand hold my love in your palm Once my hands were thorny and bloody, yet I still beam love to humanity through my heart, mine eyes, mine soul, imbued by the most gentle hands of all Our Holy Spiritual Oneness
Mary Magdalene Speaks: We walked together our souls united in the quest for truth He a man of flesh yet in his beautiful eyes eternity’s love shone out to our world I loved him He belongs now to the ages You and I shall never forget his beautiful light
Sphinx Speaks: For ten thousand years, I have gazed upon the never ending journey of each new era Forgotten and buried then revealed again You gaze upon me now my worn body still breathes Cosmic Light Peace and strength am I Listen and gaze Peace is my song