They're the smartest, most cunning, slick, coolest group of people on the planet. Generation Z, I love y'all.
To my fellow creators, wholeheartedly, I am sorry I brought shame upon the platform. I promise I will do the community well and keep on trucking and bring light to YouTube.
I moved out to L.A. to pursue entertainment beyond social media. Because I could have made Vines from Ohio.
A lot of people want to get involved, so thinking up Vines that require crowds is always good. But I've definitely gotten tweets before that were like, 'Just saw Logan Paul shooting a Vine and ran in the other direction!' so it's not for everyone.
It's like, 'How can I reverse engineer what it takes to gain followers on a platform?' And I'm curious about how it works. And I'm the same way with people. I'm curious about what makes them tick.
Why can I do the splits? That's weird. I'm uncomfortable with myself.